3 Best Vertical Tabs Chrome Extensions – Knowligent
3 Best Vertical Tabs Chrome Extensions

3 Best Vertical Tabs Chrome Extensions

HomeHow to, Tech3 Best Vertical Tabs Chrome Extensions

Most of us have gotten used to the idea that new software versions and updates generally mean new features and better accessibility. But that doesn’t seem to be the case with Google Chrome. Yes, we’re talking about the long-awaited (but somehow still in development) feature: vertical tabs.

Vertical tabs on Microsoft Edge

The vertical tabs feature isn’t just an aesthetic change that reorganizes your browser tabs in a new way, without any real benefits. Tab junkies will tell you how much easier it is to manage tabs vertically compared to the traditional horizontal layout.

Vertical Tabs have been a feature of Firefox for a while now, and even Microsoft Edge recently got the upgrade. But the world’s most popular browser still has miles to go in this regard. So, how can you get Vertical Tabs on Chrome, despite the feature not being officially available? Let’s find out.

The idea of browser tabs is all well and good: they let you open web pages in a new window without having to open another instance of your browser. But as with most things, there is room for improvement.