8 Best Colors to Cover Gray Hair in 2024 – The Right Hairstyles – Knowligent
8 Best Colors to Cover Gray Hair in 2024 – The Right Hairstyles

8 Best Colors to Cover Gray Hair in 2024 – The Right Hairstyles

HomeHow to, Other Content8 Best Colors to Cover Gray Hair in 2024 – The Right Hairstyles

There's no doubt that wearing a hair color that suits you can make you feel great. Finding ways to embrace gray hair and blend it seamlessly has brought a new level of confidence to the middle-aged women sitting in my chair. These hair colors and, most importantly, coloring techniques can help minimize your salon visits for gray coverage while ensuring a flawless look.

The Best Colors for Gray Hair 🎨 Fashion and Style Combinations (Choosing Colors – A Basic Guide)

There are many shades and professional hair color techniques available when it comes to dying gray hair. Mixing light blonde shades and gray with highlights and lowlights makes gray regrowth seamless and unobtrusive. Medium brown shades also look beautiful and youthful on older women. Some colors I don't recommend for gray mixing are red and copper. They are absolutely beautiful and unique in their own right, but unfortunately their beautiful vibrancy makes ashen gray hairs more noticeable!

As life gets busier, we take on more roles and have less time for our hair, but there is always a color to suit your hair goals, growth pattern and lifestyle! I strongly believe that no one should have to choose between the hair they want and the hair they feel society is pressuring them to maintain!

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I'm too old for that,” “Isn't that too daring for my age,” “I need to cover gray hair, it shows my age?” I'm here to tell you something exciting! Times and trends change, and we, stylists, are here to tell you that stigmas are a thing of the past. Women of any age should feel confident, whether they have chosen to grow gray hair or cover gray hair with their dream hair colors.