Android GPS Not Working? Here's How to Fix It – Knowligent
Android GPS Not Working? Here's How to Fix It

Android GPS Not Working? Here's How to Fix It

HomeHow to, TechAndroid GPS Not Working? Here's How to Fix It

Instead of shouting at the sky

How to Fix Android GPS Not Working Issue

The Global Positioning System (GPS) has literally changed the world. The ability to see exactly where you are on the Earth’s surface has had a profound impact on business and travel. The fact that every smartphone has a built-in GPS receiver means you never have to get lost again.

Unfortunately, even the most useful technologies fail and if you are an Android user, you may encounter situations where your Android GPS is not working. If that has happened to you, here are some common ways to get back in touch with the above satellites.

If your Android GPS isn’t working, the problem might not be with your phone at all! If you don’t have line of sight to enough GPS satellites or if the weather is bad, it can be difficult or impossible to get a lock.