Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok review – Knowligent
Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok review

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok review

HomeGames, How toAssassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok review

The Twilight of the Norse Gods is finally here and in this AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok DLC Review we’ll be taking a look at how it goes. This is the story of the Isu who survived their destruction in the Great Cataclysm of 75,000 BC and it was already told in the base game. But there was one thing missing from the base game: the story of Surtr.

Assassins Creed Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok review – better than the original

Now, Allfather Odin will relive his memories and you can see it play out in the mythological version of the story through the eyes of Eivor. So today we tell you what it feels like to see the beginning of the end.

I was hoping for a brand new story, and that’s exactly what we get. Dawn of Ragnarok tells a new story about Odin trying to rescue Baldr from the Isu warlord Surtur. He is the ruler of Muspelheim, a land he claimed for his subjects, called Muspels. They blindly follow Surtur and commit atrocities in Surtur’s name. Now Surtur has ordered the Muspels to invade Svartalfheim and kidnap Baldr. They plan to find the Salakar.

Salakar is a powerful artifact made by elves. Elves were much more advanced than Isu, on the same scale as Isu was advanced to humans. Elves were driven to extinction by Surtr, who stole their immortal light to become immortal. So now there are no more elves, no one understands Salakar's power except Surtr. Now he wants to steal Baldr's power and combine it with Salakar. But why does he need this? This is what the story of Dawn of Ragnarok is about. If I go deeper, I will spoil the whole plot for you. So that's the basic plot. As the title already gives away, the plot is the beginning of Ragnarok for the Norse gods.