Blinks brings high-tech to a board game – Knowligent
Blinks brings high-tech to a board game

Blinks brings high-tech to a board game

HomeHow to, TechBlinks brings high-tech to a board game

Blinks is a new board game that incorporates a lot of technology without being categorized as a video game. Think of it as an intriguing evolution of the old-fashioned board game.

Blinks Review: Technology Meets Tabletop in This Unique Gaming System

The Blinks set, starting at $129, is a complete game system in "pucks" that resemble dominoes. The base set consists of six hexagonal pieces, each filled with lights that respond to touch. Each cube, called a Blink, has a programmed game. Here's the twist: Blinks can learn from each other.

I started by choosing a game, one of the easiest being Astro, a simple game about collecting items. I held down the Blinks puck to activate the processor inside. I then connected the puck to another, and they magnetically snapped together with a satisfying click. The games work with glowing lights on top of the pieces, which can change color.

Each Blink represents one game, and when you put them together, it programs the other tiles. The result is that tiles can transform into multiple board games. You can buy more Blinks over time (the company releases new ones all the time) to expand your game library.