Inspired by the famous manga turned anime series One Piece, there are many things to keep track of in the Cursed Sea. For beginners and even veterans, it will be difficult to remember everything they’ve conquered, all the styles they’ve learned, and the NPCs they’ve interacted with. This forces you to look for a source with all the latest information sorted into categories. Luckily, there’s a Trello board that meets all the requirements for us.
While traditionally used by developers to log progress and schedule updates, it is now widely used by players to learn and understand skills and gear tasks. Alternatively, Discord allows us to communicate with other players with whom we can form a team to fight bosses and grind in events.
Here is the Cursed Sea Trello link:
The link above will take you to the Cursed Sea Trello board. It contains everything you need to know and want to get into. Such as: