During the story of Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, you go to the Black Sapphire Hotel to meet Songbird. Ultimately, you have to find two netrunners who are helping Kurt Hansen, and the only way to get close to them is by playing roulette.
Simple Trick to WIN a HUGE BET and SCAN 100%. Here's How | Cyberpunk 2077 PHANTOM LIBERTY
The game of chance involves guessing which number and color combination a ball will land on when it lands on the spinning wheel. The game allows you to place multiple bets while you talk to the netrunners and you play with real money. If you win all your bets, you get to keep all your winnings.
Therefore, you are probably wondering how to win every round of roulette to maximize your chances of winning in Cyberpunk 2077.
The roulette scene in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty is completely random. While you can win every bet you place when playing roulette at Black Sapphire during the You Know My Name quest, there is no special method or trick to ensure that you actually guess the roulette results correctly.