Microsoft Word has two text entry modes: Insert and Type Over. Each of these modes describes how text behaves when it is added to a document that already contains text. Here's how these two modes work and how to use them.
How to Switch Between Insert and Overtype Mode in MS Word
In Insert mode, new text added to a document moves the current text forward, to the right of the cursor, to accommodate the new text as it is typed or pasted into the document. This is the default text entry mode in Microsoft Word.
Overtype mode adds text to a document that already contains text. The existing text is then replaced by the newly added text as it is entered, character by character.
If you want to turn off the default Insert mode in Microsoft Word, so that you can type over the current text, there are two ways to do this. The simplest way is to press the Insert key, which toggles the mode on and off. Another way is to set the Insert key to toggle Overtype mode on and off.