Discord You are rated with limited bug fixes 2023 – Knowligent
Discord You are rated with limited bug fixes 2023

Discord You are rated with limited bug fixes 2023

HomeGames, How toDiscord You are rated with limited bug fixes 2023

Rate Limited Discord means that you are being prevented from doing a certain activity for a limited amount of time. In essence, you are being blocked from doing whatever you are trying to do at the moment. While this may sound absurd, it is a necessary evil to prevent unwanted server overload from spam abuse. So if you are getting this message, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about Rate Limited on Discord and how to prevent it.

How to Fix the 'You're Being Limited in Your Rating' Issue on Discord (Fixed in 2024)

You Are Being Rate Limited on Discord means that when you try to enter a verification code, the app will block you from entering any more codes for a limited time. This happens when you enter the wrong verification code more than once. This is a good security measure because it prevents users from trying to get into your account by just guessing multiple verification codes. There are even bots that can try many code possibilities in a short period of time, causing the Discord service to become overloaded for everyone.

Rate limits in Discord are implemented on the account and route you are using. This means that once you get the message, anyone else using the same wifi or internet can also get the "You Are Being Rate Limited" message. So if this happens to you, don't worry. We have a few methods for you to fix it yourself:

The ban will be for a limited time. The time will vary and depends on your history or the time of day. So usually waiting 10-15 minutes or max 30 minutes will fix this for you.