Does No Rest for the Wicked Have a Class System? Softclasses and Builds Explained – Knowligent
Does No Rest for the Wicked Have a Class System? Softclasses and Builds Explained

Does No Rest for the Wicked Have a Class System? Softclasses and Builds Explained

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No Rest for the Wicked is a brutal action RPG with the tough combat you'd expect from a Soulslike. From the moment you land, you're in for a serious challenge, but there's no core class system to fall back on.

CREATE any character with the Soft Class System | No Rest for the Wicked

Instead, No Rest for the Wicked uses a “soft class” system. There is no class or archetype to choose from, which puts a lot of pressure on how you allocate your points.

Your character's combat abilities in No Rest for the Wicked are determined solely by their stats, weapons, and gear. You can invest points in eight attributes: Health, Stamina, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Faith, Focus, and Gear Load.

Each has a prominent effect on your character, so how you allocate the points you receive at each level effectively determines what kind of character they are. But the weapons you pick up can also affect how you play. A rare weapon you find might require a certain minimum level of Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Faith. That weapon can have a lasting impact on your character if you build your stats to match that weapon.