Released on May 23, 2024, Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is a casual adventure game where you play a detective who happens to be a duck. This Duck Detective is down on his luck, but that doesn't stop him from using his powers of "deducktion" to solve the latest crime of whoever is stealing lunch from the local bus station.
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami 100% full gameplay walkthrough + all achievements (no commentary)
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is a fast, friendly game on PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox. If you're looking for a game that makes you feel like a detective, this is a great place to start.
You start your game by choosing Detective Mode or Story Mode. Right after that you are introduced to the Duck Detective, who seems to have had a rough night and is complaining that he can't pay his rent this month.
Your first task is to use deductions to help the Duck Detective figure out what he did last night and why he has no money.