Duplicate Tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11 – Knowligent
Duplicate Tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11

Duplicate Tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11

HomeHow to, TechDuplicate Tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11

File Explorer in Windows 11 is getting some nice little features that will make it easier to use. After adding tabs to File Explorer, the ability to natively create archive files, and the ability to move files and folders between breadcrumbs, Microsoft is now adding the ability to duplicate tabs in File Explorer.

Show tabs in File Explorer in Windows 11

The method is simple enough. You right-click on a tab in File Explorer and select Duplicate Tab. And voila! You have a new tab opened with the same location.

While it may not seem obvious at first, dual tabs in File Explorer come in handy in a few different scenarios. For example, you might want to open the same folder side by side to compare files and folders. When you make changes in one tab (like sorting files differently or changing the view), you can keep the other tab open for reference.

It's also a quick way to reopen your current location without having to start from 'Home' in a new window. Alternatively, if you want to dive further into a folder but don't want to lose your current location, you can do both quickly by duplicating tabs.