If you are looking for the answer and hints for Globle answer today then we have you covered. Every day there is a new puzzle that we will give the answer to but before that we will share some hints to help you with the direction to the answer.
Globe Answer
As you know, Globle is a spin-off of Wordle, the viral word game. It is based on your geography knowledge, where you have to guess a mysterious country. With each wrong guess, you see a color that indicates how close you are to the actual country – the hotter the color, the closer you are to the right answer.
Sometimes the Globle answer can be tricky and sometimes the name of the country doesn't come to mind right away. For such days, here are some clues that can lead you to the answer of the day.
Today's Globle answer is Grenada for January 12, 2024. A new puzzle appears every day, so come back tomorrow for more Globle clues.