Handshake needs you to investigate more activity in Ban Pa in Gray Zone Warfare. There are additional reports about what happened in Ban Pa and Handshake's boss wants you to find out more.
The Shadow Over Ban Pa 2 // At The Mounds of Madness 2 | COMPLETE Gray Zone Job Guide/Walkthrough
You’ll need to return to Ban Pa to gather additional information about the cult operating out of the location. The exact details you need to gather aren’t made clear when you take on the mission, which can make tracking down that information in Gray Zone Warfare tricky. Once you know where to look, the next step is to extract Ban Pa and return him to base.
You can find the cult intel by visiting the Elder's House in Ban Pa in GZW. The Elder's House is a point of interest in Ban Pa and is located in the middle of the city. You will have to go quite a distance to find this location and probably fight through a fair amount of NPCs to reach it.
When you arrive in Ban Pa, I recommend bringing a suppressor and a scope on your weapon. These tools should give you an advantage over the NPCs that can be found scattered throughout the area, allowing you to ambush them before they know you’re close. If they notice you’re close, expect them to rally and attempt to flank you as you make your way through the village.