How Apps Can Reduce Doomscrolling – Knowligent
How Apps Can Reduce Doomscrolling

How Apps Can Reduce Doomscrolling

HomeHow to, TechHow Apps Can Reduce Doomscrolling

Spending too much time scrolling through depressing headlines? There are a growing number of apps that can help.

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A new app called Opal disconnects your apps from the internet to save you from bad browsing habits. Other apps are available to limit your time online or distract you. Experts say excessive browsing of the news can be hard on your mind and body.

“Reading ‘terrible’ news is stressful,” said Allison Chase, a psychologist at Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center who specializes in the effects of social media on mental health, via email.

“When someone experiences acute stress, it activates the body’s fight or flight response, which releases hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol. The short-term impact is an increase in heart rate, rapid breathing, tense muscles, slowed digestion, and overall preparation of the body for action.”