How do you measure a TV screen? – Knowligent
How do you measure a TV screen?

How do you measure a TV screen?

HomeHow to, TechHow do you measure a TV screen?

In this article, you will learn the difference between the publicly advertised size of a TV screen and the actual size of the screen. This article will also explain why you should consider the TV stand or wall mount when choosing a location for your TV.

How do you measure the size of a TV screen?

Just because the space you have for your TV is 55", does your new TV really fit in the space? Before you rush out to grab that awesome flat-screen TV deal with ad in hand and cash in hand, make sure it's the size you think it is.

These are the TV dimensions you need to know.

When you see an advertisement for a TV, the most noticeable thing is the screen size. The advertised screen size refers to the diagonal length in inches. The diagonal length is measured from one corner to the opposite corner of the screen surface (bottom left to top right or top left to bottom right).