How Fake Dairy May Affect Our Diet – Knowligent
How Fake Dairy May Affect Our Diet

How Fake Dairy May Affect Our Diet

HomeHow to, TechHow Fake Dairy May Affect Our Diet

There are two types of “fake” meat: real meat protein grown in a lab, and plant products that are artificially engineered to look, feel, and taste as much like meat as possible. But lab-grown meat isn’t just about burgers and chicken nuggets. It’s also about milk, cheese, and eggs.

Fake meat is all the rage right now. Environmentally, it’s much, much cleaner than raising cows, pigs, and chickens. It’s also going to be cheaper. And if you’re thinking to yourself, “I’ll never eat lab-grown steak,” you’re missing the point.

Lab-grown meat will likely end up in hamburger buns and other mystery meat products before it hits your backyard grill. It could turn the entire food industry on its head, and you’ll be glad you did. But it’s not ready for the mainstream yet.

“Most of the challenges in clean meat are related to the difficulty of scaling up production and the long production time (3 weeks+), which leads to high costs and loss of cell purity,” Jordi Morales Dalmau, a Berlin-based expert in bioprocessing and cultured meat, told Lifewire via instant message. “This creates a huge opportunity for new companies with non-structured products such as eggs, cheese or pate.”