Users of the Hey email service can now blog by simply writing an email. You don't even have to "start a blog." You just write what you want to share with the world and send it off. changed the way I use email…
Anyone can read, subscribe to, and comment on your posts (via your Hey email address). It’s so easy, it could be the perfect antidote to locking your thoughts in Twitter or Medium.
"We're absolutely focused on what the long-form writers have done in tweetstorms and on Facebook," Hey co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson told Lifewire via email. "Freeing their words from being used as bait for targeted ads, protecting their readers from being tracked to the core."
No one blogs anymore. Or at least only professionals write blogs. If someone else has a thought they want to share, it gets simplified into a series of tweets, or locked away in the members-only silo of Facebook.