How Long Does It Take to Install Windows 11: Everything You Need to Know – Knowligent
How Long Does It Take to Install Windows 11: Everything You Need to Know

How Long Does It Take to Install Windows 11: Everything You Need to Know

HomeHow to, TechHow Long Does It Take to Install Windows 11: Everything You Need to Know

It’s been almost a year since Microsoft released Windows 11, with more features being revealed and bugs being fixed since then. But many users are still migrating from Windows 10 to 11, and if you’re one of them, you’re probably wondering how much time it will take to install Windows 11.

Check this out BEFORE you upgrade to Windows 11

Not only Windows 10 users, if you are reinstalling Windows 11 for some reason, you might also want to know how much time Windows 11 installation usually takes. Well, here is everything you need to know about Windows 11 installation time and what affects it.

Ideally, it shouldn’t take longer than 15 to 20 minutes to install Windows 11 on your PC. But there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to Windows 11 installation times specific to individual installations. Read on to learn more below.

Related: How to Upgrade to Windows 11 in 3 Easy Ways