How Smart Speakers Can Track Your Heart Rate – Knowligent
How Smart Speakers Can Track Your Heart Rate

How Smart Speakers Can Track Your Heart Rate

HomeHow to, TechHow Smart Speakers Can Track Your Heart Rate

A recent study found that your smart speakers at home can not only accept commands and play music, but also accurately measure your heart rate.

Smart speakers can detect heart rhythms

The University of Washington study found that smart speakers were as accurate, if not more accurate, than fitness-tracking wearables or smartwatches. Experts say smart speakers could be used more for health applications in the future, especially in a world of telehealth.

“We believe telehealth is the future, but Zoom meetings are not enough,” Anran Wang, co-author of the study and a research assistant at the Network and Mobile Systems Lab at the University of Washington, wrote in an email to Lifewire.

"The equipment that is now only available in hospitals should also be usable at home. And even better, by reusing existing equipment."