How to Benefit from Smaller Quantum Computers – Knowligent
How to Benefit from Smaller Quantum Computers

How to Benefit from Smaller Quantum Computers

HomeHow to, TechHow to Benefit from Smaller Quantum Computers

You may one day have a quantum computer on your desk, but don't expect to be able to control your PC with it anytime soon.

Quantum Computers Could Change Everything — Here's What You Need to Know in Under 4 Minutes | Forbes

Researchers from a consortium led by the University of Cambridge have found a way to squeeze an operating system onto a chip that can run quantum computers. Quantum computing is currently being explored as a way to do everything from making planes lighter to breaking strong encryption. But don’t give up on your smartphone just yet.

“It's unlikely that anyone will have a quantum computer in their home or pocket anytime soon, or perhaps ever,” Matt Doty, a professor of computer engineering at the University of Delaware, told Lifewire in an email interview.

“The most immediate impact on people’s lives will likely come from cloud services that use quantum computers to deliver unique energy. These services will likely run in the background, in a way that is invisible to the user.”