If you, like us, use your PC daily to surf the internet, watch videos on YouTube or just work online, then we are sure that your PC has created a huge amount of internet cache on your system drive by now. These files, also known as temp files, can reduce the total free space available to the user and can also cause extra wear and tear on the system drive if not cleaned regularly.
How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 11
Fortunately, there are a few ways to tackle this problem. Read on below.
Before we get into the methods of getting rid of them, let's first take a look at what they actually are.
When you surf the internet, your browser is essentially downloading piles of data from the internet to render web pages and their images. The same thing happens when you watch YouTube videos, your browser cleverly downloads the entire video in chunks and plays it. Once you close the browser, a portion of all these downloaded files remain on your PC as cache to give you instant access to your favorite websites and videos.