If you can’t make or receive calls on your Android smartphone, it could be due to a number of issues. But before you order a new phone, check out our list of proven solutions; they’re simple enough for anyone to follow.
SOLUTION: Android Calling Not Working | Can't Make or Receive Calls
The causes are usually pretty straightforward. You might be in a dead zone, airplane mode might be on, your bill might not have been paid, malware might be wreaking havoc on your phone, or there could be a software glitch. Since there are so many things that can happen, check out the solutions below to see which one solves your specific problem.
Try these troubleshooting steps in order. Even if you don’t know exactly what’s wrong, these tactics can fix a variety of Android smartphone issues.
Check if you are on the network. Although rare, dead spots do exist. You may encounter this if you are underground (in a basement or on public transport) or in a rural area. Reception problems can also occur if you are near the border of another country and your phone thinks you are roaming.