Inspired by the popular anime and manga One Piece, Blox Fruits invites you to take to the high seas and explore a ton of new islands, battle unique enemies, and collect and craft powerful items. One of these items (the rare Shark Tooth Necklace) is detailed in the short guide below.
How to Get Shark Teeth Necklace and Terror Jaw Fast and Easy in Blox Fruits Update 20. Beginners Guide
To craft a Shark Tooth Necklace, you'll need five Shark Teeth and one Mutated Shark Tooth. Once you've gathered these materials, you'll need to take them to the Shark Hunter NPC located at the Tiki Outpost in the Third Sea.
Shark Teeth can be harvested from Sharks, hostile NPCs that can appear singly or in groups at any time while traveling the sea. When a Shark appears, it will continuously attack your boat until you take it down. Killing a Shark rewards you with money, XP, and Shark Teeth.
Related: Best Fruits in Blox Fruits – Tier List