Anime Last Stand unit collections continue to evolve with the release of Yuta as part of Update 2. As usual, this new unit is locked by default, so here's a detailed guide on how to unlock Yuta in Anime Last Stand.
Start Over and Get 0.1% Yuta in Anime Last Stand Roblox
Yuta is one of the rarest units in the Anime Last Stand, which can be obtained via portals with two primary methods. First, there is a 0.2% chance to randomly obtain Utah via a tier five portal. Alternatively, there is a 1 in 500 chance to obtain Utah via a secret portal.
In case you didn't know, Portal is a new currency in Anime Last Stand update 2 that can be obtained by killing bosses in Infinite mode. Portals are categorized into six different Tiers, and Yuta can only be unlocked via the fifth and secret Portal.
If you're playing solo, I recommend focusing on repeatedly reaching wave 10. For team play, pushing for the highest possible wave is a more efficient way to farm more Portals.