How to keep ChatGPT writing (plus: prevent the response from being closed) – Knowligent
How to keep ChatGPT writing (plus: prevent the response from being closed)

How to keep ChatGPT writing (plus: prevent the response from being closed)

HomeHow to, TechHow to keep ChatGPT writing (plus: prevent the response from being closed)

ChatGPT can be a useful tool for extracting information on a wide range of topics, but like any piece of technology, it has certain limitations. When generating detailed textual content, the AI tool can sometimes create a truncated response where ChatGPT stops adding content halfway through a paragraph without completing it.

How ChatGPT can keep writing its answer

If you are wondering why this is happening and want to know how to make ChatGPT continue writing, then you can use the following post to easily do that.

ChatGPT models process text using tokens, which are common sequences of characters that appear in text. Currently, the AI chatbot accepts a maximum limit of 8,192 tokens on GPT-4 and 4,096 tokens on GPT-3.5; the latter should be considered, as GPT-3.5 is still used by most people. This limit applies to both your input and the response from ChatGPT, meaning that the combined number of tokens for a question and answer cannot exceed 4,096 tokens on GPT-3.5.

OpenAI says that the general rule of thumb is that 1 token is equal to about 4 characters of text, which can be three-quarters of a word. To give you an idea, 100 tokens would be about 75 words, meaning a higher limit of 4096 characters should count up to a maximum of about 3072 words. If ChatGPT exceeds the token limit, the response you get may be truncated or cut off midway.