How to Poke on Facebook – Knowligent
How to Poke on Facebook

How to Poke on Facebook

HomeHow to, TechHow to Poke on Facebook

Facebook, the most popular and widely used social media platform, offers a ton of features to keep you engaged. From texting with friends and interacting with their activities, to posting cool status updates and showing off your sense of humor — Facebook is a virtual amusement park.

How to Poke Someone on Facebook – See Who Poked You on Facebook – 2022

Amidst all the buzz about exciting new features, most of us have forgotten about one of the platform’s most celebrated features; a feature that used to mean a lot: Poking.

Today we’re going to dive deep into what Poking on Facebook is all about. We’ll teach the youngsters about the glorious past of this feature and tell you how to Poke your friends like you used to, but in 2021.

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