How to prevent the side button from ending calls on iPhone? – Knowligent
How to prevent the side button from ending calls on iPhone?

How to prevent the side button from ending calls on iPhone?

HomeHow to, TechHow to prevent the side button from ending calls on iPhone?

Apple makes it easy to end calls on your iPhone with the side button. However, sometimes this can become a source of annoyance rather than convenience, as you can accidentally hang up the phone if you accidentally press the side button.

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If you often end calls by accident, you can disable the End Call with Side Button feature on your iPhone using the following post.

Your iPhone comes with a default setting to end an incoming call when you press the side button to lock the screen. However, you can disable this side button functionality during an ongoing call in iOS settings. Here’s how to do that.

Done! Pressing the side button will no longer end the current call.