How to save game progress in a content warning – Knowligent
How to save game progress in a content warning

How to save game progress in a content warning

HomeGames, How toHow to save game progress in a content warning

While it is possible to save recorded videos in Content Warning, players are wondering if it is also possible to save progress. That is understandable, because no one wants to force themselves to play for long sessions. Instead, just save the game and come back to it later with a fresh perspective. There is an autosave function in this game, but it works a little differently. Since there is no dedicated button for it, you might also find it confusing.

Content Warning: How to Save Your Game Progress

In this guide we explained how to save your game in Content Warning. So if you often have to leave your game due to disruptions, you can save your playthrough this way.

To save your progress, you need to complete a day in Content Warning. To do this, you need to film something scary in the Old World, upload it to SpookTube, and sleep in your bed. Once your in-game character is awake, get out of bed and exit the game immediately. You will see that your progress is saved in the hosted slot.

Please note that the autosave will only be activated if you successfully complete a day by sleeping. If you quit before that, your game will not be saved and you will have to start over that specific day. It should also be noted that a host is the only one in the group who can save the game in Content Warning. Invited players do not have this privilege. However, the host can add them back when they reload their saved progress.