When Twitter first started, it was just a source of text-based content, but over the years, the microblogging platform has evolved into a full-fledged social media app where you can share images, videos, and links. If you see something interesting in the app, you can use the Twitter app to save images of a tweet or share the tweet via other apps on your phone. But what if the content you want to share is a Twitter video?
How do I download Twitter videos to my iPhone camera roll for absolutely FREE?
In this post, we'll explain different ways you can save a video from a tweet on your iPhone.
No. Unlike images on the platform, you can’t save videos from a tweet directly from the Twitter app on iOS. When you open a video in the Twitter app, you’ll be given options to share it via tweet or to other apps. This would bring up Twitter’s share sheet, which gives you options to share the video via Twitter DM, bookmark it, copy link, and options to send the tweet to other apps installed on your iPhone.
You can also access iOS' native Share Sheet via the Share Via option, which gives you more options, such as opening the tweet in Safari, adding it to Safari's Reading List, and using other tools you might have configured the iOS Share Sheet with. There is, however, no built-in option to let you save videos from Twitter to your iPhone.