After the confusion surrounding the WhatsApp privacy policy debacle, people flocked to Telegram and Signal to keep their data safe. Now, Telegram is rolling out a slew of new features including expiring invites, home widgets, auto-delete messages, and more.
In a recent blog post, Telegram revealed that users can now keep their messages completely private with a newly added auto-delete feature. Riding the wave of popularity amid growing privacy concerns surrounding instant messaging services, Telegram is understandably polishing the features that brought users to the platform.
Let's take a look at the auto-uninstall feature and how to enable it regardless of the platform you're on.
Telegram already had an auto-delete message feature, but it was limited to secret chats. But now, users can make messages disappear in all of their chats. When enabled, they have the option to delete their messages after a certain amount of time: 24 hours or 7 days. So far, these are the only two options available, and while more options may be added, they are good enough for beginners.