If you receive a lot of emails on a daily basis, it can be difficult to sort through the emails that are important to you. Luckily, Gmail has a built-in Snooze feature that you can enable on certain emails that arrive in your inbox, making them disappear from your inbox for a set period of time and reappear when you want them to.
How to Use the Snooze Button in Gmail
In this post, we'll explain what Gmail's snooze feature is, how it works, and how you can use it to view emails at a later time.
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Snooze a message in Gmail allows users to pause conversations for a limited amount of time so they can come back to them later. You can delay an email for any date or time in the future, and when the time comes, Gmail will notify you of the email just as it would a new email. When you use Snooze, you have the option to delay an email until later today, tomorrow, this weekend, or next week, or add a custom date and time for a few months or years in the future.