How to turn on a laptop without the power button – Knowligent
How to turn on a laptop without the power button

How to turn on a laptop without the power button

HomeHow to, TechHow to turn on a laptop without the power button

This article explains how to turn on your laptop without using the power button.

How to Turn on Any Laptop Without a Power Button — 2024

For modern computers, Wake-on-LAN (WoL) is a fairly common feature. This technology allows you to turn off your computer and use the Internet to let your powered-off computer know that it is time to turn it back on.

Depending on your setup, enabling Wake-on-LAN will require different steps, but you can enable it whether you have a Mac, Linux, or Windows PC. Once it’s set up, you can choose from third-party applications that you can use to send the signal to wake your computer.

TeamViewer is an example of an app I have used to turn on my computer remotely. If you use something else, like Depicus, you will also need to know your public IP address.