According to experts, you can take professional photos with your smartphone camera if you know how to use it properly.
4 Secrets: How to Take Professional Photos with Your Smartphone
The iPhone Photography Awards recently announced the winners of its 14th annual international competition, showcasing work captured with only an iPhone and an eye for composing photos. This year's Grand Prize Winner and Photographer of the Year Award went to Hungarian photojournalist István Kerekes for his image, "Transylvanian Shepherds."
"My iPhone is always with me, so I can take pictures whenever I see something interesting, even if I don't have my camera with me," Kerekes told Lifewire in an email interview. "Compared to a DSLR, the iPhone is easier to use, but there are special situations where I only use my DSLR."
Smartphone camera technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. But the key to taking award-winning photos is understanding what makes a great photo, rather than relying on widgets, Kerekes said.