Hyundai focuses on the driver with new AI systems – Knowligent
Hyundai focuses on the driver with new AI systems

Hyundai focuses on the driver with new AI systems

HomeHow to, TechHyundai focuses on the driver with new AI systems

Automotive technology has evolved tremendously in a short period of time and the sector shows no signs of slowing down.

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An example? Hyundai Mobis has just unveiled an innovative biotech system that will fill future cabins in new production cars. The Smart Cabin Controller uses advanced sensors to analyze the driver’s health and take appropriate measures if necessary.

What does this mean exactly? The cabin analyzes vital signs, such as posture, heart rate and brain waves. Hyundai calls this technology an “advanced brain,” and notes that the cabin will automatically switch to an autonomous driving mode if something is wrong, such as a health issue, an increase in anxiety or a drunk driver.

It also automatically opens windows or switches to outside circulation mode when CO2 gets too high. Pretty handy.