Matching anagram of Rhino – I NYT Mini Crossword (July 25) answers and hints – Knowligent
Matching anagram of Rhino – I NYT Mini Crossword (July 25) answers and hints

Matching anagram of Rhino – I NYT Mini Crossword (July 25) answers and hints

HomeGames, How toMatching anagram of Rhino – I NYT Mini Crossword (July 25) answers and hints

While there may not have been too many, one of today's confusing NYT Crossword puzzle clues is "Apt anagram of Rhino-I." I love anagrams, but I wasn't sure what this one meant, especially the "I" part. If you're here, you're probably in the same boat.

Solving a New York Times puzzle about puns and anagrams

This clue is in the July 25 NYT mini-crossword puzzle, and I was only able to solve it by guessing what the "I" part meant (leaving it out a bit). The key to this was knowing that there are no anagrams for the word "rhino."

Spoiler Alert: The answer to this clue is below. So if you're still stuck, don't read any further until you're ready.

The answer to "Apt anagram of Rhino – I" is "HORN." Rhinos are hunted and killed for their horns, which are used in ornate carvings and traditional medicine, according to the African Wildlife Foundation. Due to this and other factors, their numbers are declining and they are considered critically endangered.