GTS, GTG, TTYL, LOL and the other acronyms that populated our conversations long before the advent of social media platforms. They continue to thrive and have become fairly normalized in this day and age. You’ve probably seen a lot of these acronyms on the big four, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, sprinkled across various types of content, very organically.
So there is no denying the need to know them at this point. Of course, you can always choose to fake it and pretend to know the reference, or you decided to do GTS and find out what it means, and stumbled upon this article by accident.
Below are all the connotations and abbreviations for GTS that may be useful to you in your future conversations.
While GTS isn’t as popular as the rest of the acronym biggies, it is still used occasionally and there are contexts for the acronym depending on which version of it is being used. On Snapchat, GTS can mean the following: