Microsoft Teams installation failed? Here's how to fix it – Knowligent
Microsoft Teams installation failed? Here's how to fix it

Microsoft Teams installation failed? Here's how to fix it

HomeHow to, TechMicrosoft Teams installation failed? Here's how to fix it

Are you trying to install Microsoft Teams on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, but the installation keeps failing? Luckily, there are a few ways to fix the issue and install the app on your machine without errors.

Microsoft Teams – Installation failed. An error occurred while installing the application – Fix

Some reasons why Teams might fail to install include your PC not meeting the app’s minimum requirements, your antivirus program interfering with the installation, leftover Teams files causing a problem, your user account not having permissions to install apps, and more.

If you are having trouble installing Teams, please check that your computer meets the minimum system requirements of the app. If your PC does not meet these requirements, you will not be able to install or use the app on your computer.

The required minimum specifications are: