'Monocle's Middle', Today's NYT Mini Hints and Answers (August 2) – Knowligent
'Monocle's Middle', Today's NYT Mini Hints and Answers (August 2)

'Monocle's Middle', Today's NYT Mini Hints and Answers (August 2)

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Today's NYT Mini-Clue, "Monocle's Middle," immediately made me think of the Monopoly Man. Who else wears a spectacular monocle like this? Monocles may not be a fashion staple these days, but that doesn't mean you can't figure out the answer to this clue.

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Before I reveal the answer, I'll give you one more chance to solve it yourself.

The answer to the August 2 NYT Mini-clue, "Monocle's middle," is "LENS." According to the good folks at Merriam-Webster, a lens is "a piece of transparent material (such as glass) having two opposing regular surfaces, either both curved, or one curved and the other flat, and used either singly or in combination in an optical instrument to form an image by focusing rays of light."

That's a very long description, I only know it as the glass parts of my glasses. In a monocle, however, there is only one lens. A camera can also have a lens, some of which are very expensive.