Mystery Detective Adventure Walkthrough – Case 3 – Knowligent
Mystery Detective Adventure Walkthrough – Case 3

Mystery Detective Adventure Walkthrough – Case 3

HomeGamesMystery Detective Adventure Walkthrough – Case 3

Mystery Detective Adventure is an indie title with a murder mystery. To complete the entire game, you will need to solve all three cases, collect all collectibles, and then complete the secret case. We’ve covered the first two cases, so it’s time to move on to the third case in our final walkthrough. For the other cases, check out:

Mystery Detective Adventure Case 3: Mine Accident Full Walkthrough

In the first two cases, Detective John Woodbray had to tackle a murder that was covered up as a suicide and what appeared to be a giant demon dog attacking a small town. With those two cases solved, it’s time to tackle an apparent murder in a mine. With his handy portable lab, Woodbray is ready to tackle the mine.

You start at the entrance and meet the head of the mine, Margaret. She gives you a pass to the mine. On her desk you can pick up the newspaper and under the newspaper is a clip to take with you. Leave her office and you are back at the entrance. There are several things to look at and ways to leave this location.

Now you can enter the mine itself. Walk to the red elevator door and use the pass Margaret gave you. This will take you underground. There will be an old man there who you will automatically interact with; he will give you a key.