If you don't have access to a bike right away, Google has announced new updates to Google Maps that help you find local bike-sharing sites and see up-to-date cycling routes.
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Gone biking: Now when you search for bike routes, Google Maps will show you walking directions to local bike-share locations, turn-by-turn bike routes to the nearest bike-share location, and most importantly, bike availability. Best of all, Maps also provides links to the relevant app to reserve and unlock the shared bike, rather than having to quickly download the app once you get there.
Perfect Path: Of course, a bike ride is worthless without a decent route, and Maps now keeps routes up-to-date to give you a smooth ride and prepare you for what’s ahead. No one wants to climb stairs or navigate tunnels when all they can do is make a quick descent.
"However, the best route is always subject to change, and we're working hard to reflect new information," Google wrote. "For example, due to COVID-19, many cities are adding and widening bike lanes to encourage cycling and accommodate more cyclists."