Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are games in the fourth generation of the popular, long-running Pokémon series. They were first released in Japan in 2006. North America, Australia, and Europe received ports the following year.
Pokemon D/P (Pearl): Action Replay DS – How to Get and Spread the Pokerus
Diamond and Pearl have added a number of new features that are now common to the entire series, such as online play via Wi-Fi and the Global Trade System. If you need help catching them all, here are a few cheats that might help you out.
The following codes require an Action Replay, an unlicensed, hexadecimal-based device that can modify a portion of a game's code. If you don't have one, compare prices for the Action Replay DS on Amazon.
To use Action Replay, enter the Pokémon Diamond Game ID: ADAE-636791c0. Then enter the following codes to get the corresponding cheat: