If you’re willing to drop $599 on a brand new Polaroid camera with full manual controls, you don’t need to read any further. The mere fact that it exists is probably enough.
I really didn't like the Polaroid I-2…until
The new Polaroid I-2 is a big deal. It’s the first new Polaroid in decades that’s a true photographer’s tool, rather than an automatic point-and-shoot. Back in the day, if you wanted to control essential settings like focus, shutter speed and aperture, you had to buy a used camera from 40 years ago, like the Polaroid 180. For die-hard Polaroid fans, it’s an instabuy. For the rest of us, it might be harder to see past its limitations, which largely come down to the Polaroid film it uses and some outdated hardware choices.
"I can understand the appeal of this new Polaroid camera for some photographers. The full manual control offers creative flexibility that phone cameras lack. And there's something special about seeing a photo develop before your eyes," cinematographer and photographer Matteo Martignago told Lifewire via email. "For most people, however, the high cost of both the camera and the Polaroid film makes this impractical for everyday use. Digital cameras and printers are much more affordable and convenient when we look at the technical aspects."
The I-2 looks like a Polaroid, but is much more advanced. While you can shoot in fully automatic mode, the appeal here is the manual control over exposure, although oddly enough the only focus option is automatic. Using the built-in light meter, you can choose the aperture and shutter speed you need to get the shot you want.