Print a PowerPoint handout in PDF format without a date – Knowligent
Print a PowerPoint handout in PDF format without a date

Print a PowerPoint handout in PDF format without a date

HomeHow to, TechPrint a PowerPoint handout in PDF format without a date

Provide your audience with printed handouts of your PowerPoint presentation. This makes it easy for them to follow along and refer to the presentation afterward. Before you print the handouts, save the file as a PDF so that the handouts look exactly as you intended. PowerPoint includes the date the files were saved in the upper-right corner of each page. If you want a printout without the date, here's how to create one.

How to Print PowerPoint Slides in Handout Form

If you don't want the date to appear in your PowerPoint slides, you can change this in the Handout Master.

On the ribbon, go to View.

In the Master Views group, select Handout Master.