This is for Windows 7 users only
How to Find Your Wireless Network Security Key Password in Windows 10
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to add a computer to your wireless network and you couldn't find the network security key? Windows 7, like previous versions of Windows, remembers (with your permission) the network security key the first time you connect to a secured wireless (Wi-Fi) network protected by WEP, WPA, or WPA2. This allows Windows to automatically log on to the Wi-Fi network when it boots up.
To use this procedure to recover your network security key, you will need to have a computer that is already connected to your Wi-Fi network. Windows 7, unlike previous versions of Windows, provides a fairly easy way to view your network security key on-screen in plain text.
NOTE: Because the network security key is displayed in plain text, you must be very careful when and where you use this procedure. Make sure no one is looking over your shoulder or at your screen.