Ring's new car camera keeps a close eye on vehicles – Knowligent
Ring's new car camera keeps a close eye on vehicles

Ring's new car camera keeps a close eye on vehicles

HomeHow to, TechRing's new car camera keeps a close eye on vehicles

Ring, the leader in security cameras, just announced a new product that mounts to vehicles, providing a comprehensive security solution.

Ring Car Cam Review – Features, Installation, Testing

The Ring Car Cam is exactly what it sounds like, a Ring security camera for cars. In some ways, this offering resembles doorbell cameras, as it’s controlled through the Ring app and mounted using simple included tools. But that’s where the similarities end.

This is a dual-facing camera. You mount it on the dashboard and one camera faces outward and the other faces inward. These cameras record while the car is moving and when it is parked and turned off to keep a constant eye on things. The device is packed with sensors to detect changes both near the vehicle and inside it.

If an intrusion or increased movement is detected near the car, the cameras will automatically start recording and you will receive a real-time notification on your phone. With the app, you can watch live and even talk to anyone in or near the car.