Consider your search for Ro-Ghoul Trello link over, because this guide has it and more. This is a game based on the popular manga and anime series Tokyo Ghoul and was developed by SushiWalrus for Roblox. It is a free-to-play fighting game experience where you can join either the Ghouls or the CCG factions. Depending on which side you are on in the objectives you will get changes. So if you are stuck, you may need some help with topics like Trainers, Bosses, NPCs and more. So here are the links not only to the Trello Board, but also to the Discord and other social accounts.
Community server – Discord! | Ro-Ghoul | Roblox
Here is the link to the Trello of this game:
These are the different cards you can open to get information about the cards on the board.
This is the game’s Discord server that you can join. It’s worth joining if you want to make new friends with the players of this game. You can also check out the related channels for information on things like the latest codes, new features, and more.