Understand the Legend and Legend Key in Excel Spreadsheets – Knowligent
Understand the Legend and Legend Key in Excel Spreadsheets

Understand the Legend and Legend Key in Excel Spreadsheets

HomeHow to, TechUnderstand the Legend and Legend Key in Excel Spreadsheets

In a chart or graph in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, the legend is often located on the right side of the chart or graph and is sometimes surrounded by a border. The legend is linked to the data that is displayed graphically in the plot area of the chart. Each specific entry in the legend contains a legend key for referencing the data.

Add a Legend to a Chart in Excel

To further the confusion between legends and keys, Microsoft refers to each individual element in a legend as a legend key. A legend key is a single-colored or patterned highlight in the legend. To the right of each legend key is a name that identifies the data represented by the specific key.

Depending on the type of chart, the legend keys represent different groups of data in the associated worksheet:

In Excel, legend keys are linked to the data in the plot area, so changing the color of a legend key also changes the color of the data in the plot area. You can right-click or tap and hold a legend key and choose Format Legend to change the color, pattern, or image used to display the data.