All newsletter layouts have at least three elements: a nameplate, body text, and headings. Newsletters typically use many more of the newsletter layout components listed here to attract readers and communicate information. Once a layout is established, each edition of the newsletter will have the same components as each other edition for consistency.
What is a newsletter?
As a newsletter designer or editor, if you find yourself wanting to add or subtract elements after the newsletter has been launched, it’s best to make just one change at a time rather than completely overhauling the layout after a few issues. Familiarity with the components of a newspaper can give you some guidance on what changes would be beneficial to your readers.
The banner on the front of a newsletter that identifies the publication is the nameplate. The nameplate usually includes the name of the newsletter, possibly graphics or a logo, and perhaps a subtitle, motto, and publication information, including volume number and issue or date.
The body of the newsletter is the largest part of the text, excluding the headings and decorative text elements. It is the articles that form the content of the newsletter.