Using and Customizing the Status Bar in Microsoft Excel – Knowligent
Using and Customizing the Status Bar in Microsoft Excel

Using and Customizing the Status Bar in Microsoft Excel

HomeHow to, TechUsing and Customizing the Status Bar in Microsoft Excel

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Customize the Status Bar in Excel

Excel’s status bar is one of those hidden gems (and an unsung hero) that makes it the default spreadsheet software you turn to. It sits quietly at the bottom of the Excel window, often overlooked but packed with valuable information and customization options. In this article, we’ll take a look at it and show you how to use it to your advantage.

Even before you customize the Excel status bar, it displays useful information and gives you access to a number of handy features. The common Excel options that you can find on the status bar by default are:

Let's take a look at what they all do and how you can use them.